LiveSPData SheetsDownload PDF
What Is LiveSP?
Multi-Tenant Platform
LiveSP is a multi-tenant network performance monitoring platform. It provides the required features to customize Service Provider managed service offers and completely automate the provisioning workflow.
Application-Aware Network Management
LiveSP visualizes application-specific network traffic for business relevance of network performance, and greatly accelerates the workflow to identify issues across LANs, external networks and applications.
Unmatched Reporting Features
LiveSP report builder helps Service Providers (SPs) structure their communication with enterprise customers and different audiences. From abstracted executive overviews all the way down to detailed visualization for experts.
Built for SP Infrastructure Needs
LiveSP is designed to be highly scalable. The flexibility, scalability and elasticity allows SPs to always have an optimal platform on which to provide service delivery, resulting in value from day one.
Easily Integrate into Service Provider IT
LiveSP is easily integrated into the SP provisioning workflow. For WAN and SD-WAN managed services, it is simple to roll out and manage even massive deployments. Once templates have been established, the provisioning and monitoring workflow can be easily automated.
Universal SD-WAN Management Platform
With built-in multi-vendor support for SD-WAN deployment and monitoring, LiveSP is a powerful tool to deliver on enterprise customers’ expectations of efficient MPLS utilization as well as leveraging standard Internet links for connectivity and cost-reduction.
Configure and Report in the Same Platform
LiveSP integrates with any orchestration platform to help automate the configuration and provisioning of new services. Simplifying SP operations and sharing some control features with the customers benefits customer.